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Offshore well decommissioning solutions

Azure Energy Services has a unique decommissioning solution that can help oil companies around the world. Our solution can decommission rigs in 20 to 40 days depending on location and complexity.

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Azure Energy Services is bringing an innovative approach to the growing demand and high standards of the offshore deepwater well-abandonment market. Led by a versatile and experienced team, Azure intends to utilize our patented SMART Plug & Abandonment System to deliver the safest, most operationally efficient, and cost-effective deepwater well-abandonment service in the industry.

We are currently in the engineering and technology development phase where we will be performing our onshore testing, offshore field trials and final system qualification starting in Q2 2024.

Stay tuned and follow us as we target delivering our service offerings to the market in 2025.

Azure Energy Services Benefits

1 Time & Cost

Azure’s patented SMART plug and abandonment system utilizes a concentric-drill-pipe-based methodology for well decommissioning.  This unique riserless method significantly shortens the deployment and retrieval time in deepwater, providing significant cost savings to the customer.

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2 Flexible

The system can be utilized for temporary abandonment or permanent abandonment operations as well as transitioning current subsea production wells to permanent abandonment. It also provides a turnkey solution for the current industry challenge of exploration-well abandonment.

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3 Full 18¾"
Wellbore Access

The SMART system has the unique ability to provide 18¾” full-bore access offering the customer a flexible turnkey abandonment solution.

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